The University of Siena has been at the forefront of promoting studies and research in the field of sustainability, establishing itself as an early adopter. As early as the 1980s, our university boasted scholars from various disciplines who actively engaged with this subject matter.

Noteworthy among these scholars are Enzo Tiezzi, a chemist, who, in his publication “Tempi Storici Tempi Biologici” in 1984, emphasized the necessity for human society to strive towards biological equilibrium, even before the term “sustainability” gained widespread recognition. Additionally, Alessandro Vercelli, an economist, drew attention to environmental issues within his field, urging for their consideration and importance.

In the early 1990s, Enzo Tiezzi and Alessandro Vercelli, embarked on an interdisciplinary exploration of sustainability in collaboration with the Oikos Foundation. The term “Oikos,” derived from Greek, serves as a common root for the words “economics” and “ecology.”

The University of Siena demonstrates a profound commitment to sustainability in all its dimensions and issues. This commitment is exemplified through numerous well-established activities, positioning the university as a leading institution in promoting sustainable development. These activities encompass:

  1. Educational offerings: The university provides a wide range of educational programs that incorporate sustainability across various disciplines.
  2. There is a strong emphasis on conducting research in diverse sustainability-related areas, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  3. The university actively engages with businesses and institutions, delivering training programs and offering consulting services to support the adoption of sustainable practices.

These extensive initiatives highlight the University of Siena’s enduring dedication to sustainable development, solidifying its reputation as a prominent institution in this field.

Dallo Statuto dell’Università di Siena: Articolo 5 (Principi di attività e organizzazione)

    • “L’Università assume, per l’esercizio delle proprie funzioni, il metodo operativo della programmazione strategica e della verifica e valutazione dei risultati e assicura, a ogni livello, la distinzione tra attività di indirizzo, di gestione e di controllo.”
    • “L’Università impronta la propria attività e organizzazione ai principi di imparzialità, buon andamento, efficienza, efficacia, semplificazione, trasparenza e tempestività delle procedure, pubblicità degli atti, copertura finanziaria e patrimoniale dei costi, sostenibilità ambientale, tutela della sicurezza e della salute, pari opportunità, cooperazione e responsabilità.”
    • “L’Università promuove l’accreditamento delle proprie strutture didattiche, di ricerca e di servizio secondo i principi di qualità.”
    • “L’Università promuove a tutti i livelli l’informatizzazione e la digitalizzazione dei processi organizzativi e dei relativi flussi documentali.”
    • “L’Università gestisce il proprio patrimonio immobiliare, nel rispetto del significato storico della propria presenza sul territorio in cui opera.”